The Prehospital Medical Information System (PreMIS) is a state mandated internet based EMS information system which collects data on each EMS call report made within the state. Data is submitted daily to the EMSPIC in one of two ways. The first is through a web based data entry tool. The second method is through an XML import process. The PreMIS system provides a capability for the evaluation of EMS patient care and system performance. PreMIS functions beyond a medical record and quality management tool, in that hospital outcome data, billing data, and linkages to multiple databases outside EMS are maintained.
The PreMIS System also has a dynamic reporting capability which is available to EMS Administrators. It is through these reports that Administrators can assess trends within their agency and evaluate the performance of their personnel. The EMSPIC develops new reports regularly as requested by the EMS Administrators and funding agencies.
PreMIS Web Training
Step-by-step Flash video instruction on how to use the PreMIS Web Application.
PreMIS Import Training
Step-by-step Flash video instruction on how to use Import on the PreMIS Web Application.
PreMIS Frequently Asked Questions
When I log in to PreMIS, all I see is a button to log out.
You were not granted the security rights to use PreMIS in our CIS application. Please call ESO at 866-766-9471 Extension 3.
When I attempt to log in to PreMIS, I receive an error that reads 'Invalid Login, Try Again.'
When entering your State ID, make sure that you enter one or more upper-case letter(s) followed by 6 numbers.
You may need to change your password. This can be done on the CIS website.
If you are still unable to access the application, please call ESO at 866-766-9471 Extension 3.
Where can I get more information on the dataset used by PreMIS?
PreMIS follows the NEMSIS Standard Dataset located here: NEMSIS Dataset
The list of elements required for North Carolina by the North Carolina College of Emergency Physicians (NCCEP) are located here: NC Required Elements
The list of elements required for South Carolina is located here: SC Required Elements
The list of elements required for West Virginia is located here: WV Required Elements